The group behind this site is at present an administration and management team of 6 persons and a group of professional sports bettors around the world, each of them specialized in their own field. They will always be anonymous, due to the fact that they are active gamblers and don't want to have their accounts closed by their bookmakers.
When the gambling on the internet boomed it was natural for professional gamblers to take part in it. Most of us had no experience from computers and needed a lot of help to get started. When finally getting started on the internet it was a jungle of companies offering gambling and sports book which is our major source of income. All gamblers starting betting on the internet are experiencing the same problems. One dont know where to start, who to trust and so on. We will try and help people getting started with their internet-gambling.
If you want to take part of our information and improve your gambling, sign in.
Your Editor,
Carl-William Tovås